Bleach 378

4:05 PM / Posted by Unknown /

The setting switches back to Heuco Mundo. We see that Yammy indeed got stronger, as he took out everyone except Rukia. He was about to finish off Rukia but she was saved by none other than Ichigo. Ichigo plays arounds with Yammy in his Bankai and lures him away from his injured friends. Once in the clear, Ichigo unleashes his full Hollowfication power and slashes Yammy to the ground.

Oh my god the artwork this week was incredible! Ichigo looks so awesome with his war-torn Bankai clothing. The way he effortlessly deflect Yammys attacks is visually appealing as well.

Next thing I want to mention is Ichigo's new mask - it has evolved. It now has the recent Hollow form's markings, but maintained the same shape as his old Hollow mask. I definitely like this version better.
I speculate that the reason his mask changed was sort of like the first time he obtained the mask. The Visoreds forcibly made him transform into a Hollow which greatly increased his power, but at the cost of his mentality. Thus, that was the point of Ichigo's internal battle with his inner Hollow self, so that he can control both his mind and his new Hollow powers if he emerged victorious.
Similarly, in his battle with Ulquiorra, Ichigo was pushed to his limits, and had to transform fully into a Hollow to escape imminent death. From his training and combats under Hollowfication, his Hollow form matured and powered up as well. So now he is fully transformed as a Hollow again without control of his mentality, and only his unconscious prevented from also killing his friends. Ironically, Ulquiorra brought him back by making his own Cero blow up in his face. Because Ichigo survived the power up again this time, he has grown even more powerful than ever.

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